Candies Game simulator

Since 2018, Candies Game, our simulator, is included as part of the educational content of the MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MDSIC (Master of Information and Communication Systems Management) programs of the Fundación General of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Over 300 students a year use Candies Game, whether on-site or online, in the Operations Management course to experience the complexity of the decision-making process while managing a business that, as part of a supply chain, aims to offer the highest level of service to its customers while incurring the lowest possible operational costs.

Candies Game offers a specific user section for instructors, where they can access individual records of user actions, group results ranking, and modify the simulator’s parameters to highlight different learning aspects.

Candies Game is built on a back end based on Nodejs, MongoDB and a front end based on Angular.

More information about the simulator

Simulador Candies Game